The Value of Gradual Awareness

Submitted by
Marguerite Thompson

Faced with the growing understanding of caring for creation, we can be overwhelmed by the immensity and complexity of such care. And yet, as with all things in Christ, our discipleship in Christ calls us to have hope, to trust in him and to take the next step.

Even something as simple as picking up trash we encounter day to day, this task can keep us aware as we contemplate what will be our next action. One step at a time does it. Becoming aware and letting God lead us is an awesome spiritual practice of becoming engaged with something so disconcerting.

Find one thing you can do, no matter how simple, to contribute to loving attention to this beautiful earth of which we are part. Think of this ground of our being in terms of kindness or thanksgiving. Get outside and pay attention to the wind in the trees or the sound of birds or the way the clouds go past the moon. Each little intentional act makes us more aware, appreciative and engaged.  In turn, God can work on our souls and minds and imaginations to inspire our next steps.