Praise to the Holy One, Jerusalem

In Psalm 147 we are called to offer praise to the Holy One for the special gift God entrusted to us: security, peace, abundant harvests, even commandments. In the mindset of ancient Israel and in this psalm, Jerusalem was not just a city, but the people. The entire city is invited to praise God. On this Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, that special gift is also Eucharist. God gives us the Body of Christ so that we become the Body of Christ. As we reflect on the verses selected for this day, let its praise be for all that the Eucharist has been to each of us and all that still will unfold.

Jerusalem, give glory! Praise God with song, O Zion!
For the Holy One strengthens your gates, guarding your children within.
God fills your land with peace, giving you golden wheat.
God speaks to the earth, the word speeds forth.

God speaks the word to Jacob, to Israel, divine laws and decrees.
God has not done this for others, no others receive this wisdom.

[verses adapted from The Psalter © 1995, Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications.]