Making an Impact
on Saving Energy

Submitted by Marguerite Thompson

(From the Founder of
Catholic Climate Covenant)

Puerto Ricans have among the highest electricity rates anywhere at $.33 per kilowatt hour. By comparison, rates in Maryland, where I live, are $.15 kWh. The Covenant’s Catholic Energies program developed a solar project for the Passionists school, Colegio Santa Gema in Puerto Rico, that is now saving over $10,000/year on their electric bill. That’s impact.

Donations to Catholic Climate Covenant launched the Catholic Energies Program. From the first pilot projects to today, Catholic Energies has installed thousands of solar panels, producing over 5 megawatts of clean energy, and retrofitted dozens of Catholic properties with LED lighting. Combined these projects represent thousands of tons of carbon dioxide emissions avoided. These projects accomplish four goals: 1) lower greenhouse emissions; 2) save money to in turn support mission activities; 3) provide an opportunity to link the project to Catholic teaching on the environment; and 4) provide revenue to the Covenant expanding education, organizing and advocacy programs.

Well over $500,000 was required to get the Catholic Energies program to where it is today: meeting these goals and including a positive cash flow. Learn more at