We Catholics believe that we can pray for the souls of the faithful departed. That is why when referring to a departed loved one, we often say “+May their soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.”

As such, you have probably noticed that while attending Mass the Universal Prayers (Prayers of the Faithful) contain intentions for the deceased. What you may not know is that during the Consecration prayers at every Mass, the presider prays for the intention for the Mass. Some presiders do that out loud, most do that silently.

Parishioners can request a “Mass Intention” in order to have the gathered assembly honor and pray for a deceased family member or friend, by name, at a specific Mass time on a specific date. If you are interested in scheduling a Mass Intention for a deceased loved one, please contact the parish office. A small “Mass Stipend” of $10 is requested which goes to the presiding priest.

~Deacon Sandy
Good Shepherd Parish Director