Pastoral & Finance Council
Discernment Process

The position for Trustee Secretary that was held by Dan Popp for four years was up in spring. (Many thanks to Dan for his years of service to our church.)

The nomination process lasted six weeks and one person was nominated, thus making an election unnecessary.

Congratulations and thanks to Nic Zepnick for transitioning from his role on pastoral council to the important role of Trustee Secretary. We also thank Maureen Janosch for her service on the Pastoral Council.

The Pastoral Council and five nominees met in May for a discernment to determine two new members. We have not had five nominees in years, so this was a sign of excitement for our church and the mission of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

The session opened in prayer and  discussion of the many gifts of our nominees and how they would help lead the parish. More time in prayer was spent to ask the Holy Spirit to guide the nominees to determine if they were being called at this time to serve. Though each nominee would have been a strong and prayerful leader at our parish, Bill Gaynor and Ryan J. Goss emerged as our new Council members.

Please pray for all the leaders of our church, that they always be guided by the Holy Spirit and God’s will for us all.