There Is Room for Everyone in the Church

Submitted by Ann Castiglione

At World Youth Day, Pope Francis brings hope to our young people, our LGBTQ+ community, and our church. Here are some of his remarks as reported by NCR’s Michael Sean Winters.

“It is not enough for us Christians to be convinced; we must also be convincing. Our actions are called to reflect, joyfully and radically, the beauty of the Gospel. Furthermore, Christianity cannot be lived as a fortress surrounded by high walls, one that raises the ramparts against the world. In every age, one of the most important tasks for Christians is to recover the meaning of the incarnation. Without the incarnation, Christianity becomes an ideology — and currently there is the temptation towards ‘Christian ideologies.’ Whereas the incarnation enables us to be amazed by the beauty of Christ revealed through every brother and sister, every man and woman.

“There is room for everyone in the church and, whenever there is not, then, please, we must make room, including for those who make mistakes, who fall or struggle. The Lord does not point a finger, but opens wide his arms: Jesus showed us this on the cross. He does not close the door, but invites us to enter; he does not keep us at a distance, but welcomes us.”