Fr. Tom Suriano Retirement September 16-17

It is with a sense of both happiness and sadness that I announce that our dear Fr. Tom has advised me that he will be stepping away from the role of Assisting Priest at Good Shepherd. The sense of happiness is for Fr. Tom who will now have more time for himself in order to do more of the things he has not had the time to do for many years. The sense of sadness is obvious as we will no longer have Fr. Tom with us each weekend at one of our Masses.

His last two Masses as Assisting Priest will be in two weeks – Saturday September 16 and Sunday September 17. He will preside and preach at both Masses. We will have a simple hospitality after both Masses that weekend in order to give all a chance to wish Fr Tom well.

So Good Shepherd, we move on. Fr. Peter will continue to be our Assisting Priest and as such will have Tuesday Morning Mass most every week and will preside at one Mass most weekends through next June. Praise God! And it is with a sense of joy that I announce that Fr. Dennis Lewis will be joining us most weekends through the end of this year to partner with Fr. Peter. We know Fr. Dennis, Fr. Dennis knows us. It is a good fit. Praise God!

I close quoting Ecclesiastes: “There is a time for every purpose under heaven. A time to plant, and a time to harvest”. After decades of planting good seed, it is time for Fr. Tom to harvest. Amen.

~Deacon Sandy Sites
Good Shepherd Parish Director