Got an Hour? To Serve? To Grow?

As a new school year begins, now’s the time to look at your schedule and find an opportunity we offer to serve God through serving others or grow in faith with a small group. Here are ministries that would love to welcome you:

Saturdays & Sundays

† Mass Acolyte (5th Grade-Adult)

† Mass Greeter (3rd Grade-Adult)

† Mass Usher (6th Grade-Adult)

† Mass Communion Minister (12th Grade-Adult)

† Mass “Listen to the Lord” Leader (Adult)

† Mass Prayer Corner Partner (Adult)

† Mass Audio/Visual Tech Team (5th Grade-Adult)

† Generations of Faith Participant (Family, Adult)

† Generations of Faith Volunteer (Family, Adult)

† Generations of Faith Catechist (12th Grade-Adult)

† Hospitality Team
(Family, Adult | One Mass per month)


† In the Spotlight Speakers (Adult)

† Cathedral Center Meal (Family, Adult)

† Gay & Straight in Christ (7:00-8:00 PM | Adult)


† Faith & Film Group (9:00-10:30 AM | Adult)

† Sleeping Bags & More Group
(9:30-11:30 AM | Adult)

† Faith Sharing Group (11:00 AM-12:30 PM | Adult)

† Pastoral Council or Parish Commissions (Adult)


† Racial Justice Ministry (7:00-8:00 PM | Adult)

† Mass Reader Prep (7:00-9:00 PM |
6th Grade-Adult | Last Tuesday of the month) 


† Spiritual Book Club (9:30-11:30 AM | Adult)

† St. Ben’s Meal (Family, Adult |
Every 3rd Wednesday of the month)

† Mass Musician or Choir Practice
(7:00-9:00 PM | 3rd Grade-Adult)

† Men’s Spirituality Group (7:00-8:30 PM |
Every 4th Wednesday of the month)


† Bible Discussion Group (10:00-11:30 AM | Adult)


† “That Man Is You” Men’s Group at St. James (6:15-7:15 AM | Adult)

† Centering Prayer (8:30-9:30 AM | Family, Adult | Every 3rd Friday of the month)

† Repairers of the Breach Brown Bag Lunch
(12:00 PM | Family, Adult | Once every quarter)

Variable Meeting Times

† Ellacuria Twinning Relationship Group (Adult)

† Falls Food Pantry (Family, Adult)

† Funeral Meal Team (Family, Adult)

† New Member Welcome Team (Family, Adult)

† Marriage Prep Team (Adult)

† Baptism Prep Team (Adult)

† Youth Group Adult Leader (12th Grade-Adult)

† Vacation Bible School Planning (6th Grade-Adult)

† Eighth Day Funeral Choir (Family, Adult)

† Art & Environment Team (6th Grade-Adult)

† Prayer Network Team (All Ages)

† Nursing Home/Visitation Ministry (Adult)

For information on any of these opportunities or to sign up, please contact Bryan in the parish office.