I Shall Live in the House of God
All the Days of My Life

The readings for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time are filled with feasting and banquet images. In psalm 23, frequently used in the 3-year Lectionary cycle, we celebrate the covenant relationship we share with God. The verses sing of all that God constantly does for us – shepherd, guide, protect, nurture. The refrain is our promise to accept God’s offer of Life and to live always in God’s Presence. This God sustains us with all the necessities of life – abundant care and a full, vibrant, plentiful life.

O God, you are my shepherd, I need nothing more.
You give me rest in green meadows,
setting me near calm waters,
where you revive my spirit.

You guide me along right paths, you are true to your name.
Though I should walk in death’s dark valley,
I fear no evil with you by my side,
your shepherd’s staff to comfort me.

You spread a table before me as my foes look on.
You soothe my head with oil; my cup is more than full.
Goodness and love will tend me every day of my life.
I will dwell in your holy house as long as I shall live.

[verses adapted from The Psalter © 1995, Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications.]