Cruelty Gone Too Far?

Submitted by Barb Messerknecht

Read more of this Alexandra Gulden article on the Quixote Center Website:

“I believe we…have stepped over a line into the [inhumane],” wrote the Texas state trooper who reported that his superiors ordered troopers to push migrants, including women and children, back into the Rio Grande.  “We need to recognize that these are people who are made in the image of God and need to be treated as such.”

The state trooper details horrifying abuses and injuries as a result of barbed wire and other barriers the state installed, including a 19-year old girl stuck in the razor wire suffering from a miscarriage. He also details how barbed wire and floating barriers have forced people to go into deeper parts of the river, resulting in multiple drownings.

While pushing children into a river is certainly a new low, cruelty itself is nothing new.