In You, O God,
I Have Found My Peace

We have no need for any status or title other than that which has already been given us: we are God’s children. When we pursue some status such as power, public recognition or domination, we obscure our relation with God and the divine message and mission. Psalm 131 expresses the self-understanding Jesus wishes to teach us: the core of discipleship is humble relationship with God leading to humble, servant-oriented relationship with one another. When we seek our true place before God, we will discover genuine peace and ultimate hope. Our challenge is to be willing to grow to our full stature as a son and daughter of God.

O God, my heart is not lifted up,
my eyes are not raised too high;
I have not occupied myself with marvels beyond me.

I have calmed and quieted my soul,
like a child at its mother’s breast;
like a child in its father’s arms, even so my soul.

O Israel, hope in your God both now and forever.

[verses from People’s Companion to the Breviary
© 1997 by the Carmelites of Indianapolis]