Hope for LGBTQ+ Conversation in the Synod

Submitted by Ann Castiglione

By now, many of you have heard that the Vatican Synod, which ended October 29, did not propose any action regarding ordination of women, celibacy of priests, or any action in regard to the LGBTQ+ community. Do not despair. Have hope. All reports indicate there were some powerful discussions on these issues and that many participants were in favor of a move forward. These facts are, in themselves, cause for hope. When we wonder if the church’s teaching is going to change, to quote Fr. Timothy Radcliff, OP, appointed by Pope Francis as spiritual assistant to the assembly, “That’s not the issue. The issue is will we love and welcome our fellow human beings? If we love them and listen to them and make them part of our lives, if there are evolutions to happen, they will happen.” To me, that is great reason for more prayer, continued discussion, and HOPE!