Take the Laudate Deum Action Pledge

Submitted by Marguerite Thompson

In the spirit of Gratitude and Thanksgiving, consider taking a little action for our planet that sustains our lives.

In Laudate Deum, Pope Francis calls “all people of good will” to take action on the climate crisis and “move beyond the mentality of appearing to be concerned but not having the courage needed to produce substantial changes.” (LD 56) He particularly calls on us in the United States to make personal changes to our consumerist lifestyles, reduce our fossil fuel use, and also to advocate for systemic actions to address the climate crisis.

We invite you to take a pledge of action with us today to respond directly to Pope Francis’ call for change (personal, within the Church, and wider systemic change). Together we can courageously commit to specific actions that will produce a much-needed culture shift and produce a better future for our common home. Learn more at this link: https://catholicclimatecovenant.org/my-laudate-deum-action-pledge/