Advent Message from Our Parish Director

My beloved sisters and brothers –

We have begun our Advent Season 2023. As always, Advent is a season of joyful anticipation.

This year, as in recent years, we will offer all an invitation to come early to reflect and pray before Mass. Lights will be turned down. We will be silent, or speak only in hushed tones.

Our Advent theme this year will be EMBODY.

Advent pre-Mass screens and music will help develop this theme.

Each of the four weeks, per the list below, we will break open four pairs of words leading to, and culminating with, Christmas.


1st Sunday: Reflect and Be Watchful

2nd Sunday: Renew and Be Prepared

3rd Sunday: (Gaudete Sunday) Rejoice and Be Present

4th Sunday: Recover and Be Ready


My wish for us all during Advent 2023 is to find ourselves on Christmas in a different place on our spiritual journey, closer to Christ, than where we were on the first Sunday of Advent.

Your brother in Christ ––

Deacon Sandy