Rejoice & Be Present in Advent

My beloved sisters and brothers –

On this Third Week of Advent 2023, we continue to break open our overall season theme of Embody, and at the same time focus this week on Rejoicing and Being Present.

One of my favorite liturgies each year is this third weekend of Advent. Here’s why. Holy Mother Church, in her wisdom, defines this weekend as “Gaudete Sunday”. Gaudete is Latin for Rejoice! (Note the exclamation)

Pope Francis tells us that Gaudete Sunday should be known as the “Sunday of Joy”, and that instead of “fretting about all that still hasn’t happened in our lives”, people should “think of all the good things God has already given us.”

And so, on this Gaudete Sunday, let us as a parish community wholeheartedly Rejoice!, and Be Present to the goodness of God.

Rejoice! Again I say Rejoice!
Deacon Sandy

A special request of our families with little children for next Sunday’s Christmas Eve Mass at 4:00 PM: If you will be attending that Mass and have little children, I request that they bring their favorite stuffed animal or blanket and wear their Christmas jammies for a special homily I’m preparing just for them.