What Will Stewardship 2024 Mean for You?

There are so many ways to share your time, talent and treasure—all while drawing closer to Christ. In 2024, how might God be calling you? It may be a personal practice that you develop. It may be something you engage in at Good Shepherd.

When we displayed our “Saints of Good Shepherd” wall last month, we posted a Saint, saintly person or saintly practice that encouraged us or helped us to become saint. Beginning this weekend, we have a new display of Good Shepherd ministries and activities in Daniels Hall. This time we are asking you to post your own name on a ministry or activity in which you would like to engage or recommit to in 2024.

If it is a ministry you would like to explore, you can express your interest on the display itself in Daniels Hall or contact the office at staff@mygoodshepherd.org or(262) 255-2035. Someone will reach out to you about your interest.

You also may post a personal practice that corresponds with one of our ministries or your current ministry that you are re-committing to in 2024.

We want to encourage just how much stewardship we are involved in, exploring and personally practicing. It is this encouragement that helps us all become “Saints of Good Shepherd.”