A Time for Justice

Submitted by Joan Plumley

Were you surprised when you read this title? While we watch and wait in anticipation of the second coming of Christ, the theme of justice and peace cries out to our ears during this holy season as well. Isaiah proclaims, “He shall judge the poor with justice. The calf and the young lion shall browse together, with a little child to guide them.” We get a glimpse of the world that God envisions for us, the peaceable kingdom. God calls us to be child-like and imagine a world where violence, poverty, and racial discrimination are non-existent. Innocent children see a friend to play with, not a barrier of skin color. During Advent let us adopt a child-like way of seeing and envision a world of peace and justice for all. Imagining it is the first step toward making it happen.

Contact me if you are interested in the Racial Justice Ministry Team: joanmplumley@gmail.com