Lenten Theme: Embody God’s Promise

Our Lenten theme carries continuity from Advent/Christmas: Embody God’s Promise

Our logo expresses the dove of promise as it flew back to Noah’s ark indicating dry land.

The Lenten Old Testament readings speak of the times God made His covenant; with Noah after the flood; with Abraham for his willingness to sacrifice his only son; with Moses as he received the Ten Commandments; with the people of Israel released from exile; and with Israel and Judah in anticipation of a new covenant to “forgive their iniquity and remember their sin no more.”

God made and keeps His covenant (promise) with us. We have not always kept our end of the covenant (promise). God’s promise to us is given with love and faithfulness. Though we sin, God does not abandon us, always calls us back and accepts us, because we belong to God.

Lent gives us time to reflect on our temptations, to repent our sins, to turn to God for forgiveness, to seek redemption and to receive God’s mercy (His promise to us).

Embody the Season of Lent.
Embody God’s Promise.