Recycling: There’s Always Updates on What’s Recyclable

By Mary Kult

Just an update as to what is recyclable. This Christmas I gave my son a nicely wrapped present of 10 empty prune packages. They had a number seven on them, and sevens are recyclable in Madison. My son lives in Madison, so it only seemed right that he should take them back home with him.

Now in 2024, we were given notice that we can now recycle number sevens. Jonathan is now very happy. So now, numbers 1 through 5 along with sevens are recyclable. Also, recyclable is the outer wrapper of bread bags as well as other items that are double wrapped.

Please check labels for other items, like Nature Valley granola bars whose wrappers if clean are recyclable and cleaning them is easy-peasy. I know I have taken many items and pitched them without even considering that they could be recyclable.

A positive for being green is that some stores are not stocking plastic bags and encourage you to bring your own. Aldi’s and Goodwill are two of these stores.