Praise the Holy One Who Heals the Broken Hearted

All of humankind has experienced heartbreak of some kind at some time in life. Today’s 1st reading is Job’s response to a friend’s suggestion that Job continue to trust in God’s mercy. These first verses of Psalm 147 are a hymn of praise to the God who heals those broken in spirit or body. God brings home the homeless and exiled and scattered. The psalm references God’s mighty acts of mercy and compassion in returning the people of Israel to their land after the Babylonian exile. After seeing their country ravaged and the temple destroyed, the people’s hearts had been collectively broken as they were led into exile. As we pray and reflect on this psalm, we remember that God lifts up the poor and the powerless and God’s very self tends all with healing care.

How good to sing God praise! How lovely the sound!
God rebuilds Jerusalem and gathers the exiles of Israel,
healing the brokenhearted, binding their aching wounds.
God fixes the number of stars, calling each by name.
Great is our God and powerful, wise beyond all telling.
God upholds the poor but lets the wicked fall.

[verses adapted from The Psalter © 1995, Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications.]