Saint of the Month:
Blessed Sebastian of Aparicio

Blessed Sebastian*, though not well known, is a Good Shepherd Saint, for sure. Born of poor peasants in 1502 in Spain, he tended his father’s sheep. At age 12 he was struck with a disease and his mother put him out of the house, alone, in a hut. A wolf bit open the plagued area of his body, yet he made a full recovery.

He left home and sailed to Pueblo Mexico, where he worked in the fields. He made plows and wagons and showed the people how to use them to better their lives. He would never ask for money. He built roads to the city and seaports that are still present today. He eventually operated a carrier of his own to transport grain and wares. He made a lot of money, but always used it for worthy purposes and lived like a poor man himself. When his wife died, he gave all his possessions to the poor and a convent. At 71, he was granted admission to the Order of St. Francis and collected alms for the convent. He died at 98. Pope Pius VI beatified him in 1787. His feast day is Feb 25.

The attitude and life of Blessed Sebastian is Good Shepherd’s also. So many people and ministries come to mind when looking at Sebastian’s life. We have many ministries that serve and walk with the poor. Our youth workcampers travel to new places every year and build and repair homes and help those in need (and for no money.)


Mark Rapant, who has been on many workcamp trips, is one of those “master builders” like Sebastian using his gifts of building and designing things for the purpose of making life better for others. Mark went to Ellacuria, our twinning parish in El Salvador, and while there made a very detailed summary report of ideas that would help the community. He also connected with the kids by making balloon animals. Mark also volunteers at many organizations in Milwaukee dedicated to helping those in need. He also has been on missions to Guatemala, Honduras and Ghana with “Engineers Without Borders” to help build schools, bridges and water systems. Mark is truly a servant of God and uses his gifts to help others. We are blessed to have him as a “Saint of Good Shepherd.”
*Blessed Sebastian biography excerpts courtesy of