Creator God, Send Out Your Spirit and Renew the Face of the Earth

Psalm 104 is deliberately patterned after the story of creation. Today’s psalm of praise switches between the hopeful petition, “Creator God, send out your Spirit!” and a song of joy-filled acclaim for God’s life-giving care for all of creation. Above all else, Psalm 104 keeps us aware that all of creation is dependent on God. God is not only the source of our life but also calls us into ongoing creativity. God’s Spirit is an agent of renewal. We appreciate God’s wondrous works, express hope that our song will please God, and that the Spirit will be like the breath God gave Adam and Eve and bring all humanity to new life – to renew us and all creation. And, as we prayer this psalm, we hope that what we do with creation will make God glad.

I will bless you, my God! You are great indeed! How fertile your genius!
You shape each thing, you fill the world with what you do.

You steal their breath, they drop back into dust.
Breathe into them, they rise; the face of the earth comes alive!

Let God’s glory endure and the Almighty delight in creating.
Let my song give joy to God who is a joy to me.

[Verses from The Psalter © 1995, Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications.
The English translation of the Liturgical Psalter © 1994. ICEL, Inc. All rights reserved.]