A Confirmation Reflection 

Submitted by Mary Oswald

This year I had the unique opportunity to participate in Confirmation practice. I was filling in for my daughter’s sponsor, her sister who wasn’t home from college yet. I was there not just as a proud mom, but as a proud member of the Christian Formation team watching the 20 amazing youth from Good Shepherd who were getting ready to be Confirmed the next evening.

I have heard rumblings about our youth today. I have heard that the youth are missing in our Church. As I watched what was unfolding around me, I was inspired by the amazing youth present there that night. I found it absolutely wonderful that a couple of young ladies showed up in their compete softball uniforms – bows in their hair and ready to go!  Even though there was a crucial Bucks game going on at the same time, everyone was there. In fact, it made my heart smile as kids were asking, “Do you know the score?” with a big smile on their faces as they passed by each other.

What really struck me was that fact that even in today’s busy world of the Junior in High School, these young men and woman made it a priority to be there – something that didn’t get lost on this aging mom of six.