Christian Nationalism – Recap

Submitted by Joan Plumley

If you missed our “We All Belong – Ecumenical Voices Opposing christian Nationalism” event, here’s a summary. “Christian” nationalism is a political identity and cultural framework that seeks to merge American and Christian identities. It puts country above God and is therefore an idolatry. It is a gross distortion of the teachings of Jesus. Americans who adhere to this ideology think that the Federal Government should declare Christianity the national religion to the exclusion of other religions.

“Christian” nationalism often provides cover for white supremacy and racial subjugation. It goes against the Catholic Social Teaching of dignity of the human person due to the exclusion of others based on race and other differences. “Christian’ nationalism is a threat to the church and to Jesus’ mission of building a world of love, justice and peace. Thanks to MICAH for the resources used in this article.