Pope Francis Addresses Gender Ideology

Submitted by Ann Castiglione

After the release of Dignitias Infinita, many in the LGBTQ community have taken notice. Perhaps this correspondence between the Pope and Sr. Jeannine Gramick, SL, of New Ways Ministries will help. She wrote to Pope Francis regarding her opinion about the use of the term “gender ideology” in the document. She explained to the Pope that “unfortunately in the U.S. (and elsewhere in the world) gender ideology has a negative meaning. Those who use that term do not consider or respect a person’s history and experience of gender.” He answered her letter with an explanation of the concept. Here is a direct quote from his letter: “Gender ideology is something other than homosexual or transsexual people. Gender ideology makes everyone equal without respect for personal history. {It}…nullifies differences.” Sr. Gramick has reflected, “Pope Francis is rightly concerned that society not make ‘everyone equal without respect for personal history.”’ It helps me to know, directly from Pope Francis, how he understands it.