Thank You’s for Matthew 25

Dozens of projects are completed during our Matthew 25 Workcamp Week: House of Peace, Zachariah’s Acres, Life’s Connection, Luther Manor, Hartfel House, Open Door Café, St. Francis Children’s Center, Jim Luther New Hope Center, Catholic Charities, Ascension Meal Site, Women and Family Center and many residents. Here are a few thank you’s:

“They tackled each task with a thoroughness that was amazing. No grumbling or hesitation. It was a really positive experience for us as well as a great help. Please give them our thanks!”

“You came on a very hot morning and gave it your all. My lawn and house are looking so special because of you. Thank you all you wonderful works.”
-Dorothy + Paula

“The students scour the 29 acres to garden, participate in life enrichment activities, move furniture around, and entertain residents with a talent show extravaganza. Thank you all so much! We look forward to your visit each year!”
-Luther Manor Facebook Post