Border Experience Opportunity

Submitted by Marguerite Thompson

As a young adult, I had the privilege of spending some time in El Paso TX learning how to serve the community, especially immigrants. It was an awesome, challenging and formative experience. It enabled me to have a visceral education on the realities of the poor and recognize my own poverty as a human being. We are all one.

One of those experiences included working with Annunciation House: It was founded in 1978 to accompany the migrant, homeless, and economically vulnerable through hospitality, advocacy, and education. The border around El Paso is a unique area to appreciate not only immigration issues, but also the sheer terror of families fleeing from violence or economic devastation in their home countries.

There are opportunities to have a “border experience” that is likely to be a life changing as well as a learning event. The Annunciation house is one of those places that provide such opportunities for a 5-10 day experience. Find out more on their website under the “Outreach” tab.

May God bless us with tenacity in learning about and serving some of the poorest of the poor.