The One Who Does Justice Will Live in the Presence of God

Psalm 15 recognizes that we are mortals and in need of God’s mercy, today’s psalm emphasizes God’s call to justice and kindness. This psalm can be an examination of one’s behavior, especially in regard to speaking the truth, one’s charity in word and action, and using wealth at the expense of the needy. Prayer must be balanced with service and goodness, and works of mercy accompanied by the community gathered as Church.

Who shall visit in your tent, and dwell on your holy mountain?
They who walk blamelessly, and do what is right,
who speak the truth from their hearts;
and do not slander with their tongues;
they who do no wrong to each other,
nor cast reproaches on their neighbors,
who pray the godless to repent,
and honor those who fear the Most High;
they who keep their pledge, come what may;
who take no profit from injustice,
nor accept bribes against the innocent.
Such as these will stand firm forever.

[verses adapted from People’s Companion to the Breviary © 1997 by the Carmelites of Indianapolis]