The Precepts of God Give Joy to the Heart

In our American culture and individualism, most of us don’t look at laws as perfect and refreshing the soul. But Psalm 19 describes God’s law not as a burden but as perfect, trustworthy, pure and true. It refreshes the soul, gives wisdom to the simple, endures forever and is just. In keeping the law, the faithful realize the goodness of God’s creation and enduring love. This psalm is a prayer for God’s help where the psalmist acknowledges that humans make errors and mistakes, asks for cleansing and seeks protection. When we worship God with our whole hearts, minds, and spirit, our one desire is to remain in relationship with God. Today we are challenged to pray and reflect on God’s laws as a source of wisdom and gift and revelation of God’s self, the divine.

God’s perfect law revives the soul.
God’s stable rule guides the simple.
God’s faultless decrees stand for ever.
God’s right judgments keep their truth.

Keeping them makes me rich, they bring me light;
yet faults hide within us, forgive me mine.
Keep my pride in check, break its grip;
I shall be free of blame for deadly sin.

[verses taken from The Psalter © 1995, Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications.]