May God Bless and Protect Us
All the Days of Our Life

God has formed us for relationships with those who are like us and yet different from us. God’s dream for the world is one of ultimate communion. Today’s readings from Genesis and Mark focus on relationships. On this 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, year B, we sing the whole of Psalm 128, a statement that the ever reliable and just God will always bless those who show reverence. The psalm acclaims the joy such honorable persons will experience in labor, in the family setting, and indeed in all of Israel. The refrain is worthy of serious meditation as a communal prayer. When we ask God to bless and protect us, we are committing ourselves to the well-being and holiness of each and every member of the community. The opening line of the verses invites us to wonder at every bit of creation and that we are co-creators with God. Because this psalm deals with relationships, the Church selects this psalm in response to readings dealing with marriage and family.

How good to revere the Holy One, to walk in God’s path.
Your table rich from labor – how good for you!
Your beloved, a fruitful vine in the warmth of your home.
Like olive shoots, children surround your table.
This is your blessing when you revere God.
May God bless you from Zion!
May you see Jerusalem prosper every day of your life.
May you see your children’s children, and on Israel, peace!

[verses adapted from The Psalter © 1995, Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications.]