Fill Us with Your Love, O God,
and We Shall Sing for Joy

Today’s Psalm 90 connects well the Wisdom reading and Mark’s account of the rich young man seeking eternal life with its petition for divine assistance in making wise choices. The psalm calls upon the generosity of God and could be used as a summary of the reading from Wisdom.

We are not only called to become more than we previously were (conversion), but with God’s wisdom and compassion, given the help and strength necessary for this transformation. When we really understand the preciousness of life in Christ, all else becomes unimportant and easy to leave behind. May we have the wisdom to live in God’s realm each and every day.

Teach us to make use of our days and bring wisdom to our hearts.
How long, O God, before you return?
Pity your servants, shine your love on us each dawn,
and gladden all our days.

Balance our past sorrows with present joys
and let your servants, young and old,
see the splendor of your work.
Let your loveliness shine on us,

and bless the work we do, bless the work of our hands.

[verses adapted from The Psalter © 1995, Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications.]