Stewardship 2025: Crossing with Hope Into Prayer

Crossing with Hope into Prayer is the beginning of all things possible.

Prayer is the medicine of your faith, a tonic for the soul. However, it needs to be a constant in your life. Prayer is the bridge to God and as you draw closer to God, He takes away all your fears and guides you to all things truthful. Through prayer, He is the stepping stone to your every thought, action, attitude, and relationship. God, who created all things, wishes only to be at the center of your life. God’s grace will never run out. He is waiting to hold you and keep you safe. He will wait for as long as it takes you to ask. God is eternal love.

Your prayer life should be rich and profound. Praise God and thank Him. Make each and every breath you take, in every hour of every day, a song of prayerful praise. It needs to be the pathway to everything in your life. Prayer is the spiritual breath of life that never ceases.

Pray for the strength and courage to reach across the valley between you and God, no matter what is keeping you from drawing closer. Petition God to give you grace; to remove all evils from your life. He will hold your hand and guide you across the bridge. God will never fail you.

Sit quietly with God. Talk to Him as a best friend. Listen for His voice and enjoy the feast He has to offer. This prayer of meditation brings peace to your soul and love to your heart. It leaves no room for hate.

God is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He shows us the Way, He teaches us the Truth, and He gives us Life. All we need to do is ask.