A Wonderful Year of Justice & Service
We’ve had a wonderful year in the area of Human Concerns. There are so many ways we’ve gathered together to serve others. We have fed the hungry, clothed the naked, cared for the sick, welcomed the stranger, and strived for justice. We’ve done it through direct service, advocating for justice, education on important issues, and finding ways to empower others. All the while we’ve grown closer to one another in community and found new ways to be engaged. Check out some of those activities at www.mygoodshepherd.org/human-concerns
By allowing the seeds of justice to grow in us through our attention to God’s word and building a community of service among us, we foster the reign of God on earth. Thank you, each and every one of you for thinking of others, listening to others and creating a welcoming environment of faith here at Good Shepherd. We truly welcome anyone to come join in our efforts to be the hands and feet of Christ in this world.