Toy Drive Tradition of Hope

By Dave Christensen

In 1968 when Br. Booker Ashe opened the House of Peace (HOP), he instituted a Christmas Toy Drive for the children of the neighborhood. He instilled hope through these gifts that would lift them throughout the year. Deacon Gene Christensen and Good Shepherd assisted in the toy drive becoming an annual part of our Christmas tradition shortly thereafter. Even the pandemic couldn’t deter the success of the Toy Drive.

Each year Elf Steve Kryscio starts us off with the announcement on the 2nd Sunday of Advent. The altar collection follows on Gaudete Sunday weekend.

Thanks to Tom Doran, we are able to resume the tradition of transporting the toys to HOP and sorting them for distribution. A big thanks to all for the generous donations of gifts. Over 600 families will have a wonderful and blessed Christmas thanks to you. HOP distributes new clothing as well as a complete Christmas meal for each family. Hope is in the air.

Merry Christmas!