God Knows Us & Loves Us

Submitted by Ann Castiglione

None of us knows what will come in the next year – or even tomorrow for that matter. I know many in the LGBTQ community are fearful of changes that may be coming. I am writing this mid-week after the Baptism of the Lord. Once again, Fr. James Martin’s column has made me see something differently, more clearly. Jesus’ baptism occurred before his ministry even began. At his baptism, God announced that Jesus was “My Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.” Other than a brief time in the temple at age 12, Jesus had done nothing to teach or cure the community when God made this known. Most of us are baptized as infants, even before we knew who we were! Jesus’ baptism models an important truth to us. A truth I still sometimes struggle with. God knows us and loves us. He loves us for who we are, not for what we do. No matter what may happen in society, in the church or in politics, God loves us just as we are regardless of race, religion, gender or orientation. No matter what may change, God will walk with us along the way.