Finance Council

The Finance Council consults with the pastor in all parish financial matters, except to the extent limited by church or civil law or archdiocesan policy. The council works closely with the pastoral council and is supportive of all other commissions and committees. This council does not decide priorities for the parish. That is the responsibility of the pastoral council.
Tim Nolan

Finance Council Chairperson / Stewardship Commission

Dan Nimmer

Stewardship Commission / Finance Council At-Large Member

Greg Goss


Nic Zepnick

Trustee - Secretary

Deacon Sandy Sites

Parish Director

Marge Beck

Director of Administrative Services

Purpose and Responsibility


  1. Provides advice and guidance to the pastor in the administration of parish assets.
  2. Prepares the parish budget, any budgets for extraordinary expenditures, and reviews financial statements.
  3. Monitors the financial condition of the parish, including regular financial reviews/audits as well as the internal financial control by following the recommendations in the audit/review.
  4. Reviews any indebtedness of the parish and assists the pastor in fulfilling his obligations under canon 1284.5 (“pay the interest on a local or mortgage when it is due and take care that the capital debt itself is repaid in due time”).
  5. Provides assistance in the formulation and communication of an annual financial report to the parish community as require by canon 1287.2.
  6. Approves financial statements for submission to the Archdiocesan Office for Parish Finances.
  7. In addition to the pastor, 5 to 7 members serve on the council. At least two are selected by the pastoral council and at least two are appointed by the pastor. One or both trustees are optional members as determined by the parish.
Meeting Schedule

The Council meetings are open to members of the parish who request an item be added to the agenda for discussion with the Council. Advanced request is required. After discussion of the item the Council shall move into executive session and visitors are asked to leave.


The Good Shepherd Finance Council typically meets on the third Monday of each month at 6:30 pm, currently via Zoom.

Upcoming Meetings and Events