Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care, in imitation of Christ, is the compassionate response to those experiencing life’s difficult situations. Our outreach provides spiritual, emotional and social outreach for parishioners, including grief support, visitation in hospitals, assisted living and homebound. The focus is on healing and guiding through visits, practical support, counseling and prayer. It also includes assisting families with funeral planning and reception needs. We work for healing and wholeness on all levels.
- Home Visitation We offer home visitation as needed to offer pastoral counseling, communion, caregiver support, and referrals to other specialty services that may be needed.
- Bereavement Ministry Reach out on a one-to-one basis to grieving parish and community members. We sponsor the Grief Support program on Zoom. See our Grief Share page for more information.
- Care Notes Assortment of supportive brochures designed for adults, teens and children. There is an assortment of subjects for grief support, loneliness, bullying, prayer, and seasonal selections. These not can be found in the narthex near the restrooms.
- Blood Pressure Screening* Blood pressure screenings are held after Masses the first full weekend of the month in the Mary of Magdala Chapel. All are invited! Consistent monitoring of your blood pressure is a good way to maintain good health by knowing your ‘numbers’. *Currently suspended due to COVID 19 precautions.
- Prayer Corner Personal prayer after all Masses in the southeast corner of church
- Prayer Shawl Organized outreach provided by our knitters and crocheters to make shawls for those homebound or in need.
- Winter Farmer’s Market Sponsors a meal and Marketplace of local farmers. All our proceeds are contributed to Harvest of Hope Fund and Food Faith and Farming Network.
- Card Ministry A group of creative and generous parishioners make beautiful homemade cards sent to the homebound and/or ill parishioners and community members.
- Health Bytes Appears periodically in our bulletin.
Get Involved!
Below you find various groups to engage in, whether they be discussion groups, serving teams, committees, classes or events. Join the following groups to stay abreast of updates, join in discussion with other members, and find important related files.
Serving Teams

Anointing of the Sick