Cheryl Matusiak
Coordinator of Pastoral Care
I have been the Pastoral Care Coordinator since 2009. The years have brought many opportunities to minister to our parish and the community at large.
I began my career, first in medicine, then in pastoral care. My CPE (Clinical Pastoral Education) training was at Alexian Village and San Camillo. I pursued pastoral care as a hospice chaplain in 2000 until 2009. My work in hospice was diverse, ministering to people of all faiths. I was able to support patients, their families and our staff. It became a valuable personal experience for myself and my own spiritual growth and development.
Since coming to Good Shepherd as the Pastoral Care Coordinator, I have expanded our outreach to include the health of the whole person. My goal is to care for individuals and families holistically by tending to physical, emotional and spiritual needs. I have been promoting and supporting the needs of individuals through visitation/communion at home or hospital, hosting Wellness Weekends, prayer shawl ministry, card ministry, Winter Market, grief support and one to one pastoral counseling and referral, as needed.