Prayer and Worship Commission

Carol Deming
Prayer and Worship Commission

Randy Ellis
Prayer and Worship Commission / Stewardship Commission

Maureen Janosch
Pastoral Council Recording Secretary / Prayer and Worship Commission

Mike Marking
Prayer and Worship Commission

Lisa Nimmer
Pastoral Council Chairperson / Stewardship Commission

Patrick Young
Council Member - Prayer and Worship Liaison

Judy Zunk
Liturgy Coordinator
Purpose. Each standing commission implements the parish priorities and goals in its specific area of mission and responsibility. Commissions are the task groups of the Pastoral Council. Together with the pastor and the pastoral staff, they strive to build a community of disciples who seek communion in the Church and the world.
Range of Responsibility. All commissions and committees work in collaboration with the Pastoral Council. The pastor appoints staff members in specific areas of ministry to work with particular commissions and committees. These staff members are hired and supervised by the pastor and are responsible for areas of ministry as specified in a job description. The initiation of a new area of programming or major changes to an existing program should be proposed to the Pastoral Council for consideration. In most instances, commissions are consulted in their areas of mission and responsibility following the principle of subsidiarity, which means that issues are addressed at the most appropriate level in the parish commission structure.
Functions. The basic functions of each Pastoral Council standing commission are to:
- Identify the needs of the parish within the areas of mission and responsibility.
- Prioritize the needs and recommend ways to respond to the Council.
- Plan for the development of activity in the area of ministry by formulating goals, objectives, timelines and determining who will be responsible for implementation.
- Study new program developments or strategies and assess their potential for use in the parish.
- Submit proposals for new programs or significant changes to programs to the Council.
- Assist the Council in the study of particular issues as requested.
- Promote the activities and programs of the Commission and communicate to the parish leadership and parishioners.
- Follow Archdiocesan guidelines in the area of mission, consult with Archdiocesan offices, and use the resources available through the offices and agencies.
- Provide opportunities for the ongoing formation of members.
- Develop a budget for the area of ministry.
- Conduct ongoing evaluation of existing activities and programs.
The Commission meetings are open to members of the parish who are welcome to attend as observers. Advance notice of the time and place of the meetings is published in the parish bulletin or posted on the website. The Commission may invite observers to participate in the discussion of certain agenda items. If an item on the agenda requires it, the Commission may move into executive session and observers are asked to leave.
The Commission typically meets on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 pm.